I Have No Idea What I'm Doing, Speaking Engagements
Sometimes Manila has a way of sending me incredible opportunities and I often think to myself, “I have no idea what I’m doing.” But I don’t let it stop me, I will open my arms wide open and take it on.
I love being a champion of the Philippines and specifically Manila. I try my best to use social media as a way to share my perspective of finding the every day magic right here. Not in our previous country or our next assignment but right now in this moment in Manila. I have often used the community created hashtag #PerksOfPinas on social media to share these gems. Over the last several months I have had a number of speaking engagements about what I do with A Momma Abroad and I’d love to share a bit about this journey with you because it has lead to an exciting culminating activity.
One News With Cito Beltran
Being on live news was a first for me. With other interviews and segments they were filmed first and then aired at a later date, not with Cito Beltran and One News. It was live real time broadcasting. Luckily the silver lining with real time broadcasting is that you have a seasoned host like Cito who can lead the conversation with ease. Honestly, I was a little terrified I might say something inappropriate but luckily that hasn’t happened (yet). Thanks for having me Cito, One News and Cignal TV. Catch my segment here.
Expat Women’s Groups
Did you know there are more than 250,000 expats in the Philippines? Crazy talaga! Moving abroad is exciting but it can also prove to be a challenge, it’s very important you have a good support system. One of the easiest ways to create connections is online and joining women’s groups in Manila. There are a number of private women’s groups that create an instant community for you. Two months ago I was able to speak at the Ma’am Manila lunch and this month I had the privilege of speaking at the American Women’s Club of the Philippines luncheon as well. Both were wonderful experiences. I do a lot of writing behind a screen to help others assimilate in Manila so to be able to see these readers and friends face to face was very fulfilling.
I had an Oprah moment at the Ma’am Manila brunch and handed out the Fantastic Philippines box to each participant.
With the gracious women of the AWCP. They do so much good! If you are looking for a very active social and service oriented community give them a go.
Building A Positive Organic Online Community
I am grateful for other people who see skills in me that I don’t see in myself. Tina, another friend from you guessed it, social media, invited me to speak at her conference of 200+ small business owners. My topic: Building A Positive Organic Online Community. The way I approach social media has evolved over time and I like to think I am deliberate about how I use it so it was fun and challenging to really lay out a foundation of values I follow to engage positively.
Myself, Tina and Kimi. Great things happen with great friends
My Ellen Degeneres selfie moment
Hot Mess Mom Travel Tips At Travelhood Ph
Hay naku, I guess whatever you put out to the universe comes back to you. I was able to travel with Jeron Travel to Taipei a few months back and after Chal (one of the owners) saw my blog post about Hot Mess Mom Travel Tips she invited me to speak at their travel auction, Travelhood Ph. Have you ever been to a travel auction? They ARE SO FUN! And of course they happen in a mall, would you expect it anywhere else? I had to laugh up on stage and imagine my mom seeing me speak on being a hot mess mom in the middle of a busy mall in Manila. Oh Manila, you are kaloka!
once again, it takes great friends to go great places. hi janice!
jenny is a gem and quite possibly the biggest perk of pinas. she has been a huge supporter encourager and teacher since day 1! thanks for coming kaibigan.
mall selfie! because why not?
What’s Next?
Because of the number of speaking engagements over the last several months I have had received an overwhelming requests from individuals to help them transition to life in Manila. That finally motivated me to to launch the Perks Of Pinas workshop this October 9. Kimi Lu is actually one of my biggest motivators. After I sat down from speaking about social media she said, ‘We need to do a workshop!” She has been by my side teaching me every since. This workshop is going to be so fantastic. I hope to see you there!
Come enjoy a morning of experiential learning and practical tips that will allow you to successfully create place-attachment with Manila. Through mindful exercises, perspective training and skills exploration you will walk away with your arms wide open ready to embrace whatever the ‘Pinas has for you and whatever you create for yourself! Surrounded by a group of others like you, you will create community through your experiences and have a network to grow with during your time in Manila. You’ll walk away with a barkada (girl gang), a full heart, a new perspective and a bag full of goodies.
It is my passion to share positivity and I hope to help others not just survive life in Manila but THRIVE!