Guest on Mars Talk Show, I Have No Idea What I'm Doing — A Momma Abroad

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A Momma Abroad is where I share my perspective of life abroad and my love for the Philippines, there is so much to love!


Guest on Mars Talk Show, I Have No Idea What I'm Doing

Guest on Mars Talk Show, I Have No Idea What I'm Doing

Hey guys, remember the one time I was a guest on a talk show called Mars on GMA? You don't remember? Oh, well tune in tonight at 7 pm to watch it! My recent article on Smart Parenting has gotten a little attention so GMA invited me for a short interview. I will probably say something slightly embarrassing and be overly emotional, two things I do very well. But seriously, it was crazy and once again, the Philippines threw a remarkable experience my way and I will accept it with open arms. 

What is it like to be a guest on a talk show in the Philippines? A little something like this . . .


GMA's Tower Of Power

To start of my day I took a jog around my neighborhood park to fight off those 10+lbs they say the screen puts on. Unfortunately, one 25 minute slow jog doesn't help immediately, sayang! I then hosted a baby shower, wiped my toddlers rear end and then put some make up on because I would be guest appearing on a tv show in a few hours! What. The. Heck.


When I told Chanda a few days earlier about the guest invitation she squealed with delight, so I had to bring her with me! We sat in the cozy waiting area for a few minutes until one of the contacts from the show came to retrieve us. I had no idea how tight locked the security would be. Apparently, you can't just walk on set. Duh. 

Boom! The set of Mars. 

Walking through the building and studio was a new life experience for me. It was pretty surreal to be at a production studio, especially a well known one like GMA. Chanda and I both tried to keep our excitement in. I tried to stay as quiet as I could and be a silent observer, not my natural talent. I think I kept asking myself, "What the heck is happening right now?"  


I did not realize there would be a full make up and hair team otherwise I wouldn't have done my own. I know almost nothing about make up. It is always funny to have someone else do my hair or make up, I am just regular ole' mom. Through our time in the hair and make up room I kept asking Chanda, very quietly, "Are they famous?" I should know more about Pinoy pop culture but I know almost nothing about pop culture anywhere. Chanda would whisper the answer back to me, usually with a confirmation. I may or may not have taken some sneaky screen shots of a gwapo young man who must be a starlight. I am pretty sure he had his own massuese. 


it's show time

My stomach got slightly nervous when my name was called. Lucky for me, Mars Suzi and Mars Camille are beyond friendly and kind. Making kuwento with them felt so normal, I suppose that's why they are the Mars. 


Of freaking course. Who makes these faces on national tv? Ako! I just have lots of feelings guys, especially when I talk about loving life in the Phils. 

That's A Wrap

After a few minutes of making kuwento about our life in the Philippines the segment was finished and my five minutes of fame was over. Whew! I really can't say enough kind words about Suzi and Camille. It felt as if we were sitting around having meriyenda making chika. Pinoys cease to amaze me with their graciousness and openness to treat everyone as family. 


Until next time Mars Suzi and Mars Camille! 

Kita Kita Titas,


Don't forget to tune in tonight to GMA at 7 pm. 

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