A Few Favorite Things: How To Survive With No Helper
The alternative title for this post was: The Two Weeks I Almost Went Insane While #ChandaPoppins Was On Vacation And Other Ways On How To Keep Children Alive Without Help.
Some of you may roll your eyes because you don't need a yaya, or are against having a yaya and in all seriousness, not even kidding, I'm proud of you! I am proud that you have found your groove and are confident in your decision. This last year motherhood about broke me but there was a silver lining in it all, I judge NO ONE! (Well, I judge a helluva lot less.) The only gift that comes from being so destroyed is that at the end of the day you only have love to give. Now I'll carry on in my whining about not having extra support at home. So, while Chanda was on vacation for two weeks I used iPhone apps, temp helpers, craft boxes and too much tv to survive. I have gotten accustomed to having an extra pair of hands around the house so going back to just me was a challenge and I am here to report that we are all still alive, fully intact with all of our limbs and major body organs and live to tell the tale!
Here are the simple tips and tricks that helped me survive:
|Temporary House Cleaner. That's right, Chanda was only gone for two weeks but for the monetary value to hire someone to clean my house was well worth the value of my time, energy and mental load. I hired a temporary cleaner from a neighbor to come a few days a week. I didn't use Happy Helpers until Chanda had returned but I felt like the house needed a deep clean so Happy Helpers came over to do a Hyla steam treatment in our main living area. It was so disgusting and fascinating to see all the dirt and dust they pulled from our furniture.
I also learned that the helpers are women from the Gawad Kalinga foundation, super cool!
monkey see, monkey do
this was the second bucket of filth!
|Tiger Tribe Box Sets. These box sets saved my freaking life. I used Tiger Tribe box sets to entertain the kids while I furiously pounded out a blog post or cooked dinner. I also tried my hand at the craft boxes and will not lie, I freaking love those things! I was taken back to third grade - it was the best!
waiting for the shrinkies to bake
|Honest Bee. For those afternoon or late night grocery runs that I was too tired to go on I used Honest Bee instead. So far I have been super impressed with the personal shoppers response and their delivery time. If an item was not in stock the personal shopper would call me and ask for my approval of a substitute.
i ordered tocino at 6 pm and it was delivered by 8 pm!
|Oli's Box. Oli's Box came at a great time of need when I felt like a connection was missing with my kids. I felt so 'busy' trying to get from one place to the next, cooking one meal to the next and popping in laundry that sitting down with the kids on a Saturday morning to work on a fun project was a breath of fresh air. I love creating with my kids so to have everything in one place and ready to go was monumental. I love you Oli's Boxship and so do my kids!
this month was all about vehicles that move! We made a propeller powered raft.
|My New Bike! I have been wanting a new bike for sometime and in a moment of weakness the ease of buying a new bike on Decathlon's website got the best of me - and I am so very happy it did! The bike was delivered in two days and I paid cash on demand. Too easy! Their customer service is the best I have ever experienced in Manila so far. That bike has been a reprieve for my mental health, not kidding. When I hop on that sweet little lady and cruise down my street with the wind in my hair it is as if my head and heart are being healed.
fun for both mom and bunso
this right here is a happy mom! (and an IG Dad in the shadows)
Should you find yourself yaya-less have no fear there is so much help near. To all you moms out there, I salute you, mommying ain't easy.