KonMari Method: Jumping On the Bandwagon and Crazy Train
I devoured The Life Changing Magic Of Tidying Up by Kon Mari. It comes with great motivation and expectations so be prepared. I am sharing my whole journey over on my Instagram:amommabroad. Come join me.
KonMari Update: Toys. This is unchartered territory so I took the principles she teaches and tried to apply. The most important aspects to take into consideration (in my opinion) are age variation (children at different ages/stages), does it bring your child or you joy and respecting your child as an individual. First, if you have multiple children choosing what stays and what goes. My opinion, keep stage appropriate toys for the following children. They will have purpose and bring joy. Side note: don't necessarily feel this way about kids clothing- another post! As you touch each toy think about how it gives joy to you or your child. I involve you, the parent, because there are toys I love to play with my children and that brings us both joy. You'll know what toys bring your child true joy. Say thank you to the nonsense that is just adding clutter or a cute detail, let it bring joy or purpose to another - keep the magic. Lastly, this was hard for me because I was clawing my way through the process by myself. Remember, your children are individuals too and deserve respect. This is the best opportunity to teach them about value and purpose to belongings. My oldest numerous times through this process has said, "Are you selling that too?" I realized I needed to involve him and teach him. He now comments, "Are we going to give/sell that to someone who will use it? I'm ok with that." If he's not I try not to fight it. This has been a great learning experience for both of us. 🚂🚂🚂Alright, choo choo. Do you hear that? That's me boarding the crazy train until next #KonMari post. #thelifechangingmagicoftidyingup #konmarikids #konmaritoys #amommabroad #certifiable ;)